Cookie—one of the American English words with origins in Dutch. Cookie comes from the Dutch koekje, which means little cake. (In British countries this little treat is usually called a biscuit. The precise meaning varies in different parts of the world. Biscuit is derived from a Middle French word meaning "twice cooked.")
Enough linguistics. Let’s talk about goodness and taste By any name these new cookies from Back to Nature Foods are just perfect—made with ingredients you would not be ashamed to put on your table and in your mouth. They are just amazing.
Triple Ginger—just piquant enough and still sweet
Madagascar Vanilla—heavenly smooth
California Lemon—citrus snap and very refreshing
All taste like shortbread confections—rich, buttery and filling but they are actually vegan and not that caloric.
Back to Nature is a proud supporter of The Nature Conservancy and teams up with the Whole Planet Foundation to make a difference in developing nations.
Thanks for the word on Back to Nature cookies -- I loved the linguistics bit (who knew!).