An Apple A Day

Cover art by Karla Nolan

December 15, 2008

Make Mine Mac

There is something about winter and winter sports that needs to be fed by Mac and Cheese. Skiers and Snowboarders have been known to stock up on cartons of this hearty, tasty, and fast-cooking food to have on hand after voracious runs on the slopes. Who doesn't appreciate the delicious pleasure of a creamy pasta and cheese dinner?

But wait, why not consider an alternative that has no artificial flavors or preservatives, and with a creamy cheese sauce mix made with real, certified organic cheese. California-based Back to Nature Foods has created a line of pasta and cheese dinners like Cheddar Spirals made with White Cheddar or Crazy Bugs, with the pasta in shapes that should interest kids. But in any shape or form, these dinners are a hit.

We found that each and every one tasted just like, well, Mac and Cheese, only better because you know it is healthier for you. It just doesn’t taste like it. Sort of a trompe de l'oeil for the taste buds-- trompez la bouche?

1 comment:

  1. Responsible, smart, delicious. Thanks for doing the hard work.

    Dr. K
