An Apple A Day

Cover art by Karla Nolan

November 22, 2010

Dried Berries, Fresh Ideas

From Ocean Spray to you comes handy re-sealable pouches of dried fruits--Blueberries, Cherries, and of course, Cranberries. These  are great--perfect for snacking or added to hot or cold cereals or baked in muffins or breads. They are fat-free and cholesterol-free, low in sodium and equal a full serving of fruit in every 1/3 cup.
Formed 80 years ago, Ocean Spray is an agricultural cooperative owned by more than 700 cranberry growers in Massachusetts, Wisconson, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia,  and other parts of Canada as well as 50 Florida grapefruit growers.

1 comment:

  1. Great--I can take these with me and have them instead of bad stuff.
