The bagel, affectionately called the "cement doughnut" by some, is due for a makeover. You love them, but they are a little heavy in the calorie department to justify them a guilt-free indulgence. Lender's Bagels has come up with the answer.
For 82 years Lenders has been offering convenient bagels in the freezer section of supermarkets and now they have added two new products: Little Lender's--fun-sized 70-calorie bagels in plain or cinnamon just right for a snack and a bigger, 100-Calorie bagel. Treat them both like regular bagels--toast them, or not, add toppings or eat them plain. They both have the full flavor of full-size bagels.
Now a Pinnacle Foods brand, Lender's Bagels started in 1927 when Harry Lender, who came from a small town in Poland, began making bagels to provide for his family in New Haven, CT. Over the years there have been many varieties and these latest are sure to be a success.
I've never tried these, but my son loves the Thomas' brand mini bagels. They are a perfect size for him, just like these would be.