Planters NUT●rition peanut
butter has revolutionized the peanut butter category as the first national
brand to include wholesome ingredients, creating an adventurous taste for your
peanut butter palate.
Made with a peanut butter base, Planters NUT●rition
peanut butter is packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and 6-7 grams of
protein per serving—making it a good source of energy.
The three delicious varieties are:
Banana Granola Nut
Berry Nut
Cinnamon Raison
Granola Nut
The suggested retail price
is $3.99 so why not try all three? Perfect to tuck in a backpack while hiking or having around the dorm when you need a healthier snack. All three passed the taste test with very fussy peanut butter lovers.
Very smart stuff, done by a very smart shopper.