An Apple A Day

Cover art by Karla Nolan

June 13, 2009

New Chewing Gum Flavors

You can’t stop people from chewing. They’ve been doing it for centuries.

The ancient Greeks chewed mastiche, made from mastic tree resin ( and most likely the flavor to match). Ancient Mayans chewed the sap from the sapodilla tree while Indians in North America chewed the sap from spruce trees and gave the idea to the settlers. Early American settlers came up with a chewing gum from spruce sap and beeswax. You can still find this "flavor" in some gift stores.

Many years and steps later we have such a wide assortment of flavors you could choose a different one for each week of the year—at least.

Some newer arrivals include sugar-free Wrigley's Orbit Mist in Mango Surf, Watermelon Spring, and Peppermint Spray. The package says they hydrate and they do indeed and for a pretty long time. The gum doesn't "dry out" in your mouth like some do-- the micro bursts keep the flavor fresh.

The flavor is very intense at first—the Mango Surf and Watermelon Spring pack a knock- you- off- your- chair sweet-tart burst that becomes more subtle but stays with you. The Peppermint Spray is still intense with long-lasting flavor.

Highly recommended.


  1. I'm always on the lookout for new gum! These look yummy.

  2. Superlative! The Kat never fails to inform and illuminate.
